Introduction For Chapter 26

During the nineteenth century, industrialization
in the west was so effective that it not only changed the west, but non-western lands as well. Political influences were established in Asia and political empires were set up in Africa. The world was close to that of a single unit for the first time in history. A highly developed civilation was formed through European expansion. Because of being treated like racial inferiors, non-westerners lead the nation to a anti-imperialist struggle. This led to a decline in the West's technological advantage, and a loss of moral superiority.
What is my objective?
My blog is created in order show the imperialism and industrialization that occured in the west during the 19th century, showing the impact that it had on the
EQ: It makes me think, what would have happened if there was no anti-imperialist struggle?
If there was no anti-imperialist struggle, the west would have become a superpower of the world. They would not only have the newest technological advances, but possibly could have taken over all that surrounded them, until they became strong enough to take over the world.
Political Cartoons

Even though these political cartoons are very similar, i think both of their ideas combined show the story line to what was happenening during this time. The first one shows the fight between different countries for rule over africa. The artist shows their struggle to gain this land that is independant, belonging to none of them. It also shows how they are all unsucsessful. I think it was a cute way of showing their stubborness to obtain a land that belongs to none of them. The second political cartoon shows what they are truly fighting for. Not only are they fighting for land that is all of these attributes, but by fighting for it they are only making it become even more of these things. The author is trying to show the selfishness of those trying to take of this land, and the condition that it is in. I found this to be a sad but accurate depiction of what was occuring during this time.

This political cartoon is depicting the United States imperialism over Cuba, Virgin Islands, Japan, Phillipines and the Carribean by showing a person (United States) holding a deck of cards representing all the different coutries it is trying to rule over. The artist views their rule as sucessful. I found this to be an interesting way of depicting this.
Has the United States been imperialistic?
1. After the Spanish American War, the Phillipeans was given to the United States. They way that the ruled the land was seen as imperialistic to the natives.
2. When the United States went over for oil in some places, it has been believed that they tried to control the countries because of the desire their oil.
3. The United States tends to keep troops in other countries, in order to have control in that area. This can be seen as imperialistic.
1. The United States had military personell in order to protect and economically helped to develop their natural recources, helping the Phillipeans, not ruling over them.
2. The United States strictly goes to the country to benefit from their resources which are developed by their technology, helping not just ourselves but the country as well.
3. The United States feels that they are only in the coutries for the money, once those things are gone they are gone.
2 US Events During This Time Period:
In 1883, Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb.
Although the idea was not new, the development was. For years people worked on developing forms of electric lighting, but nothing was even close to being practical electrical lighting for the home. Not only did his incandescent light make a good light source, but it was practical, safe, and economical. After years of work he ended up with an incandescent lamp with a fimalment of carbonized sewing thread that burned for thirteen and a half hours. His invention brought a drastic change to the way lives were lived. This breakthrough can be connected across continents to inventions like the cotten gin. One single invention made way to a revolutionary path. Without these inventions the world would have had a drastic change in history.
The Statue of Liberty was dedicated in New York Harbor

On October 28th, 1886 President Grover Cleveland dedicated the Statue of Liberty as a gift from the people of France on what is now known as Liberty Island in New York Harbor. The 151-foot statue, designated as a national monument in 1924 and restored for its centennial in 1986, serves as a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. Today it is one of the most popular monuments in the United States, looked up to by many people. It is a landmark to remember, and a site to see. A connection can be made between this and the Hatian monuments during the 19th century, celebrating their freedom with their newly proclaimed independance. Just like the statue of liberty, looking at these monuments for the Haitians brings feelings of joy to the people thinking about all that it represents.
6. November Uprising:

In 1830, an armed rebellion occuredin Poland against the Russian Empire. It began on November 29th, 1830 in Warsaw. Young Polish officers from the branch of Imperial Russian Army's military acadamy in the city revolted. They were led by Piotr Wysocki, and joined by large groups of the Polish society. This spread to many territories. Even though there were some local sucesses, the upreising was shot down by a Tsarist army.
7. Document:
Where? Western Libyan town of Zawiyah
When? This year
Who? Troops loyal to Moammar Gadhafi
What? A wave of working-class uprisings spurred by frustration with entrenched dictators, high food prices and a citizenry with new access to information.
Sucess? Still not over.
"Spotlight On" Suez Canal

The Suez Canal is an artificial waterway in Egypt, connecting the Mediterranean and Red Seas. Controlled by Egypt, it is very important because it allows water transportation between Europe and Asia without navigation around Africa. The canal is extensivel used by modern ships, seeing how it is the fastest way to cross from the Altantic to the Indian Ocean. This waterway is very important to Egypt, the taxes paid by the vessels are an important source of income for the Egyptian government. The Suez Canal is one of the world's most important waterways. It transports a significant amount of oil and supports approximately 8% of the world's shipping traffic with almost fifty vessels traveling through the canal daily.
3.2.1 Summary
3 Things I Learned
1. Egypt is in charge of the Suez Canal today.
2. The Statue of Libery is 151 feet tall.
3. There are major uprisings happening in the world right now.
2 Things That Interested Me
1. 8% of the world's shipping traffic travels through the Suez Canal daily.
2. Edison actually had to invent a total of seven system elements that were critical to the practical application of electric lights as an alternative to the gas lights that were prevalent in that day.
1 Question I Still Have
1. Is history truly repeating itself with these uprisings?